07 Yearly Activities for the Year 2006-2007

1st August 2006 to 30th August 2007

August 2nd,2006

We began our 7th year in operation by celebrating our FONDATION DAY. The traditional lamp was lit by  Major Kulkarni, Harish Bhai Gogad of Kirti Tours , Mr. Phartale of MTDC, Nshik office and  Mrs and Mr. Adv Ashokans. The Occassion was held at the Spledor halls on Mumbai Agra Highway. Our Chairman Mr. Soni firstly welcomed the guests and the new entrants to Amro Institutes. Having given the state of affairs to the audieneces there was a small Prize Distribution ceremony to all achievers over the past year. Mr. Shibu George , Newly appointed Prinicipal of Amro Institutes was introduced to all. The function ended with the usual snacks and tea/coffee.It happened to a birthday for one of our faculty members , Mr. Pravin Kamle. Happy birthday Praveen Sir.  Well done AMROITES and welcome to all for the new academic year.

September 20th 2006

After celebrating the Foundation day the traditional Chairman's birthday is always celebrated on this date where all faculty and students arev invited for the celebrations. It is observed as a strictly family affir so only the Family of AMRO is invited. This year was no different than the previous one wherby all students with the help of the faculty members organised a grand buffet for one and all.


Surajkund, Gat No. 64/3, Rajur Bahula, Near Vilholi, Nashik-Mumbai Highway, Nashik - 422-010.

+91 9225142827(9am-5pm)Mon. to Sat.

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